Get Started

Now is the time to take back your health

We will often get questions about what the first steps are to get started with Holistic Natural Health, what happens during an appointment and what ongoing treatment is like. Below is short guide:

Step 1: Request an appointment for an initial assessment.

Many people are held back from starting something because they don’t fully understand it. We try our best to keep our patients fully aware of what they should expect from the very beginning. The first thing that you need to do is schedule an initial assessment. Sometimes there is a  bit of a waiting list for new patients, but please be patient and especially reassured that you will be receiving the best natural medicine care in the area…your well being is very important and we will do everything to get you an appointment in an efficient time

Step 2: Your first visit

On the day of your first appointment I will discuss the nature of your state of health and what your goals are for treatment. I will do a full physical assessment of you using various forms of acupuncture meridian analysis, pressure point reflex testing, and other traditional methods. All of the assessment methods are non-invasive, safe and painless.

After the assessment we determine:

  • Whether or not HNM is right for you. The purpose of the initial visit is to determine if our methods would be most beneficial for your unique condition.

  • What the treatment will entail based on the exam findings for each individual

  • How soon and what kind of results you should expect

  • We will also discuss what actions you should be taking. This will usually involve taking certain nutritional supplements and or herbal formula that I feel will help your recovery, as well as making dietary changes such as reducing grains and sugar.

This is not your typical acupuncture clinic and the treatments are very powerful. They affect change in people at a deep level and create a lasting healing effect.

Step 3: Follow-up visits and ongoing care

For follow-up visits,  I typically see patients once per week. Some severe conditions may require twice per week in the initial stages, but I will let you know what would be best for you. Typically, office visits range anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on the complexity of the case. At all times, we encourage our patients to discuss their ongoing care and to fully engage in the process.

Our Treatment Philosophy

At Holistic Natural Medicine it is our philosophy to restore the body’s innate capacity for self-healing. A thorough assessment, evaluation and

treatment plan are vital to address the underlying factors to stop the further development of chronic issues. Supporting the patient with necessary nutrition that is needed to repair the body, detoxifying the system of harmful substances (e.g. chemicals, allergens, metals, infections, etc),correcting the communication grids within the body so the proper physiological function can take place is imperative. At Holistic Natural Medicine we excel at treating chronic complex diseases affecting our families.

We focus on a combination of healing modalities:

  • Sujok Acupuncture - a specialty form of acupuncture that combines modern neurology with ancient Chinese meridian theory

  • Nutritional Therapy - customized to the patient using specific supplements and food suggestions unique to the needs of the individual.

  • Functional Meridian Analysis - measures the functionality of the meridians and communication pathways of the body